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America today has reached a crisis point. Our nation is awash in uncontrolled spending and drowning in unpaid debt. Our military might is crumbling under poor leadership.

Most disturbing is the decline in personal and political morality.

You need only turn on nightly programing on you local television stations to understand the crisis in personal morality. Even if you are watching a “good’ program you will be assaulted with unseemly commercials that no one would have dared to air twenty years ago. words like erectile dysfunction and sexual intercourse have become common place along with sexually suggestive advertising. All of this, by the way, because a company wants to sell more of its product, in other words bottom line make more money, at the expense of young ears and eyes that might be watching and listening.


The national crisis in morality is evident in the government’s legalization of the murder of thousands and thousands of unborn BABIES. I Wanted to emphasize BABY because there is all this confusion about the that word since the proponents of abortion (murder of innocents) want to throw around the word FETUS(Greek for Infant) in order to justify their support for this heinous crime against the most helpless among us. They want to have people believe that this is only about a woman’s choice with her body and that abortion clinics are safe ways to obtain this help. When the fact is—-many woman suffer emotional scars the rest of their life for this decision, and many abortion clinics are unsafe places to have a medical procedure of any kind. In my own city this was true–the abortion clinic did not have qualified staff and the place was filthy. A veterinarian clinic is more sanitary.


Why do politicians push agendas that fly in the face of a holy God? Why do they make decisions that seems so selfish? It’s all about pride and greed and getting re-elected to office. This goes for both parties. Too many of our “leaders in Congress and The House cave when it comes to morality versus the vote.

Now we have Monica Lewinsky in the news–again—-bringing up all this smut from the nineties. Isn’t it enough that her wicked relations with a wicked man have affected thousands of young people in their idea of what “sex” is and therefore by deceptive definition of that word have indulged in demeaning behaviors some as young as middle school age? Behavior that is demeaning to girls and will have an effect on their self esteem more than any episode of “bullying” that a child might encounter.

I could go on but you get my drift. I usually would post something like this on my America Unhinged blog but the hymn I found and want to share with you speaks so plainly of the need of nation to be right with God.

Our country is the great country that it is–the shining light to the world–is because of our forefathers dependence upon a Judeo Christian God. Because our basic laws The Constitution and The Bill of Rights were founded on Christian principles. So many Muslim nations want what we have but, even when we set up new governments, achieving the type of freedoms we enjoy is impossible because of their Sharia laws which, unlike Christianity, do not teach tolerance of other religious beliefs besides their own.

My Baby boomer generation has benefited greatly in the freedoms that other generation before us have sacrificed and died for. We are reaping the harvest of peace and “prosperity” that they could only dream of. Unfortunately we haven’t been such good stewards of our inheritance as evident by the leaders today which are of my generation.

I fear our legacy to the next generation may be tainted by liberal unbelief, greed, self satisfaction and moral decay. We stand on the precipice of a looming disaster orchestrated by unsound and immoral decisions that will throw our nation into a tornado of chaos.

The further our nation strays from it’s spiritual foundations the closer it moves toward total collapse. The longer it indulges itself in foolish pride and rejects humility; the closer we come to being driven to our knees in humiliation.

G.K. Chesterton was a journalist known for blending “earth and altar.” He wrote on a huge variety of themes. He had a great sense of humor as evident in his personal testimony. “The Elephantine Adventure in the Pursuit of the Obvious.”

In this hymn titled “O God of Earth and Altar” he calls for unity between the political and spiritual realm. A great reminder that political freedom can only be found when God is its source. “Only as the hearts of political leaders, religious leaders, and citizens are turned to Him can a nation become “aflame with faith and free.”
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Bow down and hear our cry,

The walls of gold entomb us,
The swords of scorn divide,
Take not Thy thunder from us,
BUT TAKE AWAY OUR PRIDE. Thank-you-god-quotes-wallpaper-photo-galleries-and-wallpapers

From all that terror teaches,
From lies of tongue and pen,
From all the easy speeches
That comfort cruel men.

From sale and profanation
Of honor, and the sword,
From sleep and from damnation,
Deliver us, good Lord!

Bind all our lives together,
Smite us, and save us all:

In ire and exultation
Aflame with faith, and free,
Lift up a living nation,
A single sword to Thee.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton 1874-1936




Tensions in the Middle East are escalating as Syria threatens the Golan Heights. The Israeli soldiers are again occupying bunkers that they have not occupied for 40 years since the 1973 conflict in the region. The Golan Heights has been a relatively peaceful part of Israel but this new threat is changing that. There is no doubt that God’s focus for the end times is going to be in the Middle East. That is why anything that happens there will affect the whole world eventually.

There has been much written lately about the blood moons (lunar eclipses) that will take place around the time of the Passover this year in April. Perhaps in some future posts I will go deeper into this and give you more info on it. But for now –we know that, without a doubt, the world is crisis. There is the Ukraine and now the disappearance of flight 370. No one knows for sure what any of this means on a global scale only time will tell. wpstormclouds

I’d like to share this hymn with you today–“How Lovely Shines the Morning star”

This hymn was written by Philipp Nicolai who was a pastor in Unna Germany. During this time a terrible plague hit his town. From his window that over looked the town cemetery he watched as dozens men, women, and children were laid to rest. As many as 30 in a day at times. What a gloomy sight that must have been. Every home in his town was in mourning.

It was a difficult time to be a pastor. What words of comfort could he give in the face of such a vicious foe? What hope could he give to those who were sick and dying? What Word from God could he communicate to his people that give the strength in the face of this grave enemy?

This is what he said–“There seemed to me nothing more sweet, delightful, and agreeable than the contemplation of the noble, sublime Doctrine of Eternal Life obtained through  the Blood of Christ. This allowed to dwell in my heart day and night.”

Even in the darkest of times, those of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior, can be encouraged by the thought that this life is not all there is. We have a whole eternity to look forward to. A bright and shining future. Because Jesus died and shed His blood for our sins and rose again the third day to give us eternal life. Praise God!thCAMTZA7I


How lovely shines the Morning Star!

The nations see and hail afar

The Light in Judah shining.

Thou David’s son of Jacob’s race,

My Bridegroom and my King of Grace,

For Thee my heart is pining.

Lowly, Holy, Great, and glorious,

Thou victorious Prince of Graces,

Filling all the heavenly places.


Now richly to my waiting heart,

O, Thou, my God, deign to impart

The grace of love undying.

In Thy blest body let me be,

Even as the branch is in the tree,

The life my life supplying.

Sighing, crying for the savor

Of Thy favor; resting never

Till I rest in Thee forever.


Thou Mighty Father, in Thy Son

Didst love me ere Thou hast begun

This ancient world’s foundation.

Thy Son hath made a friend of me,

And when in spirit Him I see,

I joy in tribulation.

What bliss is this! G=He that liveth

To me giveth life forever;

Nothing me from Him can sever.

                                 Philipp Nicolai  1556-1608


Thanks for taking the time to read this and God bless!