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These are difficult days for all of us. Time marches on and we have  no answers to how long this isolation will control our lives. How long are we going to hear daily updates on Covid-19? Will life ever get back to normal? Why is this happening? In the blink of an eye we hear of a deadly disease that is out to get us all. In the blink of an eye many of the stores and most restaurants we enjoyed are closed. In the blink of an eye some of us have lost our jobs. Suddenly a future that seemed bright with promise has turned into a long dark tunnel that seems to never end.

Of course we all fear getting sick or for someone we love to get this virus. Even as believers God does not promise us that we are exempt from sickness and death. These are realities we actually face every day just not as in focus as today. Why? We live in a fallen and imperfect world. Ever since sin entered in to the human race none of us has been totally safe from the dangers that life presents.

Sometimes, most times, we forget that this life is not all that there is for us. We really do have a bright future we just aren’t there yet. When Jesus left his disciples behind He said ” I go to prepare a place for you that where I am there will you be also.”

In spite of sickness and death that surrounds and sometimes becomes part of us, there is still a brighter future in heaven with Him where no sickness and no death will ever occur to us and our loved ones again.

As bad as this plague is for us as believers be aware of the unbelievers. They are fearful for good reason. They have no hope of heaven. In fact death is the doorway to eternal punishment. We need to fervently pray that many hearts will turn to God and repent at this time. Perhaps this is God’s final wake up call to a nation that has in recent years grown cold about spiritual things.

I could go on in that vein a long time but my purpose today is to write about mountains in our lives. We talked about about how reaching up for that handhold –a verse from God’s Word–and placing our faith in trust in Him will help us conquer this mountain of fear and doubt and disease but I thought of something else lately.

Thinking of the 12 disciples—did they go searching for Jesus and ask Him to be a disciple?

No He chose them. Just like He chose us. “We love Him because He first loved us.” Not the other way around.

No Jesus selected His disciples out of hundreds of others.  He walked by and said, “Come and follow me,” and they willingly left all they had and their lives to follow Him.

Remember that day when He called you? Come and repent and link your life to mine. “There is a verse that says bound up in the bundle of life—with the LORD God.” We became bound up in that bundle. I Samuel 25:29

The disciples’ life on the day He called them became bound up in the bundle of life with His.

Did they truly understand what they had given up their former lives for? Did they really understand first of all that He was the Messiah that they had looked for? The Gospels seem to teach that some of them did and some of them did not. It took some convincing for some of them to realize fully who Jesus was.

With this realization came indescribable hope. But it would not be what they hoped it to be. You see they thought that when Messiah came He would set up His kingdom and rule and reign. We find the verses in the Gospels that describe how the mother of James and John approached Jesus one day to ask that her sons sit on each side of Jesus when He came into His kingdom. She wasn’t talking about in the after life she meant now in that day and time. The disciples truly believed that they had surrendered their lives to Jesus ultimate  victory and importance as they would reign along side of Him and defeat the Roman oppression.

This is why they would not hear of Jesus’ death when He described it. They just did not get it. For the Jews, Messiah was coming to rule and reign on earth, which we know He will, but their timing was off. God often works in mysterious and unexpected ways.

Soon, however, they would get the whole picture and understand that the time was not right for Jesus to set up His kingdom. This was to be a future event. Then the victorious life of ruling and reigning with Messiah at that time were vanquished. Their true calling was revealed to them. It was to suffer persecution and to die for their faith in Him. Amazingly they did not turn back. After realizing their purpose would be one of hardship and trial the message of hope that they carried burned bright in their inner being. They were willing to accept their fate of suffering and ultimate death to tell others of Jesus. To bring others to faith in Christ. To give others hope and spiritual healing.

I heard of a pastor in Africa say,  “A convert is one, that when troubles come  give up on their faith. A disciple is one who, even though they know that this life of following Messiah will not be a bed of roses, still sticks to the stuff. Are you a convert? Or a disciple? Yes we must have converts. That is the beginning but then we need disciples.

Disciples willing to weather the storm, climb the mountain paths of life, and  trust in God no matter the discomfort and hardship. No matter the uncertain and fearful surroundings. No matter Satan’s taunting persecutions.

So while there will be good times, precious times, victorious times, in our walk with God, there will also be mountains placed in our way for us to climb. That mountain rises up and we have no choice but to go over it. Impossible it seems but it is a mountain that God has already conquered and He is just waiting for us to join Him at the top.. He sits there cheering us on with every handhold every step with His Word. No mountain is too hard to conquer when it is one that God has allowed in our life but we must do our part in time spent in the Word and prayer. Confessing our sins and growing closer to Him. Learning to accept His will for our life when it doesn’t look like what we imagined.  How does God ultimately view this world–“the harvest ripe. Souls need to be saved, some quite ready to be saved, now before worse days come upon the earth. He gently asks–” Where are the laborers?” Yes, in the midst of this distress He needs laborers that reach out with the message of God. Repent, turn from your wicked ways and be saved from your sins and join your heart to Mine.

Especially, when this plague passes over we need to be prayed up and ready to witness like never before. Hearts will be more tender and ready. Hand out those Bible tracts and speak of Word of salvation to those you meet.

What am I saying exactly? The Christian life will not always be easy. We will have many questions.  Why has God allowed sorrows and  heartaches in our lives. We may be called to give up everything to follow Him. It won’t be an easy comfortable life. It was never meant to be. But we are called and we are sustained and we are hopeful. He abides in us and works through us and will never leave  us or forsake us and there are better days ahead. Perhaps not here on this planet but in His heavenly kingdom will be peace, love, and satisfaction forever and ever. His reward for our temporary sufferings will be great. We just have to believe, hang on, and pull ourselves up towards that summit of the mountain. Just keep your focus on the glories that will be revealed when you reach the top. Just think of His gentle smile just for you  and His Words,”Well done, enter now into the joy of  your Lord.”



Do you feel too ordinary for God to use? 

Well if you check out the Gospels you will find that that is just what God did. He used ordinary people to forward His gospel and to complete His will for mankind.

Today I want to focus on three of those ordinary people. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.

Mary and Martha graciously opened their home to Jesus.

Martha lived in the town of Bethany and she excitedly invited Jesus to come to her home for a meal. This first time we meet Martha she is industriously preparing a meal for Jesus and His disciples.Luke 10:38-42 Obviously homemaking, cooking, and hospitality were some of her characteristics. She was not a great teacher or prophet. She was a simple home owner that invited Jesus into her home in order to serve Him a meal that He no doubt needed.

Martha’s sister Mary lived with her and, when Jesus entered their home, she quickly sat down before Him to drink in all His Words.  Martha is busy with meal preparation; which is quickly becoming an overwhelming process. Her frustration comes out when she approaches Jesus in verse 40 and asks Jesus to admonish her sister to come and help her.

Jesus next words are probably words most people familiar with the Bible can quote. “Martha, Martha, thou  art careful and troubled about many things.” Jesus could see into Martha’s heart and He knew that her frustration welled up from many worries deep in her heart.

From these Scriptures we gather that Mary was the more ‘noble” one as she sat at Jesus feet drinking in every word but if we look over into John 11:20-27  Martha again and we see a woman who, in spite of her busyness was a good listener as well. In these verse she displays a deep understanding of Jesus’s Words and of Who He Is.

Martha was an ordinary house wife that invited an extraordinary visitor into her home that changed her life for all eternity to come.

In John 12 the focus again turns to Mary when she brings out a pound of ointment of spikenard and anoints Jesus feet using her long thick luxurious hair as a towel. In other references in the Gospel she is referred to as a sinful woman whom God had forgiven much. Other people came to Jesus feet to have their needs met but on this day Mary comes to Jesus feet to worship HIm in gratefulness for the burden of sin that was lifted from her. She also seems to know that His time of his death and sacrifice for all mankind was at hand.

Mary was an ordinary woman living a worldly life but then Jesus came into her life and she was extraordinarily changed forever.

Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha and in the account in John 12 he is seated at the table with Jesus. This is no small thing since some time before he had been dead and now he by Jesus power he was alive and well.

We are not told much about Lazarus’s life. We only learn of him when he becomes ill and the sisters beg for Jesus to come and heal him. The only thing we know about him was that he was dead but Jesus resurrected him from the grave and he was now alive.

Lazarus was an ordinary man that had an extraordinary experience. Because of this he that was dead lived again. He reminds us of all of the ordinary sinners over the centuries that have believed on Jesus and had their inner man(woman)that was dead in trespasses and sins resurrected unto new life in Him.

Maybe you feel today like you are just an ordinary person. But if you have believed upon Jesus and accepted Him as Lord and Savior of your life you are no longer “ordinary’. God has a purpose and plan for you and I promise you it will be extraordinary. Not in the way the world deems extraordinary perhaps but in a much deeper and more meaningful way.

After all Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were just ordinary people until Jesus stepped through the doorway of their abode.

Will Jesus Find Us Watching?


In light of my post yesterday I thought I would add one thing that I was made aware of yesterday.

Apparently Dateline, or a similar TV program, did a segment some time ago about future events as far as being “micro-chipped.” It seems there is a movement hoping to bring this reality into affect for people by 2017. I thought this was interesting considering what the significance of that coming  year may be.


The Bible tells us that when the Anti-Christ comes to power he will demand that everyone have a number on their person in order to buy and sell. Revelation 13:17,18

Could this be the beginning or end of that fulfillment of prophecy?

I cannot say; but it is certainly worth considering.


Again. what if we only have three more years to the serve the Lord on this earth? What should be our priorities? What should we be busy doing? Perhaps God is trying to get our (believers) attention. I know I easily forget the importance of serving God and not myself everyday. I’m easily distracted by worldly things and responsibilities and it is easy to say to myself—the rapture can’t be that near–I have plenty of time to witness for Him. But do I? Does any of us? None of  us knows what day we might be called home from this earth by death itself. People who expect to live many years die in a few so Rapture or not our time upon this earth is precious. May we not waste it on selfish pursuits.

Here is a hymn that asks this question–


When Jesus comes to reward His servants,

Whether it be noon or night,

Faithful to Him will He find us watching,

With our lamps all trimmed and bright? (Matthew 25:1-13)


If, at the dawn of the early morning,

He shall call us one by one,

When to the Lord we restore our talents (Matthew 25:13-29)

Will He answer thee–“Well done”?

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Have we been true to the trust He left us?

Do we seek to do our best?

If in our hearts there is naught condemns us,

We shall have a glorious rest.


Blessed are those whom the Lord finds watching,

In His glory they shall share;

If  He shall come at the dawn or midnight,

Will He find us watching there?


Oh, can we say we are ready brother?

Ready for the soul’s bright home?

Say will He find you and me still watching,

Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come?

Fanny Crosby 1820-1915    W.H. Doane 1832-1913


“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” I Peter 3:15

Troublesome Times are Here


Anyone watching the news today has to be sobered by the events occurring around the world and here on our native soil.


Terrorism, deadly diseases, Christian persecution, and evil is abounding everywhere on the globe. I suppose that this is nothing new in the great scheme of things but it seems to be far worse in the 21st century than it was in the 20th century. Could it be that time is on the march toward a coming conclusion of the affairs of man on the world’s stage? Are we truly in the “end times” as preachers predict we are? None of this is certain and it is reliant on God’s grace and longsuffering.


But this has become painfully clear to me and perhaps to you as well—Troublesome times are coming and they are coming to America.

So far America has been spared the worst of the worst. Yes we have had our natural disasters and an attack by terrorists on American soil but we have not experienced the horrors that have plagued other countries for many years now.


I heard recently of a report to our church from missionaries to the Middle East that are crying out for a covering of prayer over them. They have seen the atrocities committed by ISIS towards Christians in those countries that are under siege by unimaginable evil. For this is what it is–it is an attack of Satan on believers.

The missionaries told of Christian families that were confronted by ISIS. ISIS first interrogated the children and demanded they deny Jesus. When the children refused they were beheaded in front of the parents. There can be no mistake that Christianity is under attack.

Here in the America it is cloaked in fine speeches of equality and free choice for everyone. The “Religion of Tolerance” abounds setting itself above the Christian faith. In other countries it is outright violent and deadly. But make no mistake either way it is an attack on every believer in Christ. Jesus said His name would be an offence to those who do not believe and it was never more clear than it is today.


Judgment is coming. A righteous and holy God will not tolerate man’s evil forever. He will step in to put an end to it. When he does our world will be in the grip of the “last days” before His coming to set up His kingdom of peace and joy upon the earth. But before that we know from reading Revelation in the Bible that a time of great trouble such has never been before will occur upon the earth. Those of us as believers have the hope of being “raptured” (taken up to heaven) before the time of tribulation begins but——–we have no idea when that will be and no way of knowing what trials and tribulation we may go through before we are raptured. We may be asked to take bold stands for our faith in Christ before that time. We may become martyrs for the faith before that time. We may suffer through times of want and dread and disease before that happens.


So what do we do? Cower in fear? It is tempting–Worry continually? Hard not to do–Become a doomsday prepper? Possibly if you are so inclined. Stick our heads in the sand and pretend it isn’t happening and surely it won’t happen here in our neighborhoods and towns. Again very tempting—-


What does the Bible say about these days? II Peter 3:11 says “Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, (the earth and our possession of it) what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness. Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of the Lord.”

I want to share with you some thoughts over the next few blogs about what we can do to be ready for “anything” Satan throws our way.


Let’s start with “Gird up your minds.” In other words ‘prepare your mind for action.’

Isaiah 33:6 “and wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation the fear of the LORD is his treasure.” These are days when we must spend time in God’s Word and encourage our hearts and minds from it.


“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed(fixed) on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3


Remember “He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces—” Isaiah 25:8


the Lord is at hand. Be careful(worried) for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God, and the peace of God which passeth understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Phil. 4:5-7

“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” I Peter 1:13

Our minds need to be right before our hearts can be right. We have to remove our thoughts from the negative things that we hear every day and place them in to God’s hands replacing our worries and fears with scriptures.

And then share the gospel of salvation with others so that they might have a hope in the days to come.

The hymn that I would like to share with you today asks a question–“Are Ye Able?” said the Master–It is a question I must ask myself and then find the answer to this question in my own life.


Are ye able,” said the Master, “To be crucified with me?”

“Yea,” the conquering Christians answered,

To the death we follow Thee.”


“Are ye able,” to remember,

When a thief lifts up his eyes,

That his pardoned soul is worthy

Of a peace in Paradise?


“Are ye able,” when the shadows close around you with the sod,

To believe that spirit triumphs,

To commend your soul to God?


“Are ye able,” still the Master whispers down eternity,

And heroic spirits answer,

Now, as then in Galilee.


“Lord, we are able,”

Our spirits are Thine,

Remold them, make us like Thee, Divine:

Thy guiding radiance above us shall be

A beacon to God, to love and loyalty.”

Earl Bowman Marlatt 1892-1976——Harry S. Mason 1881-1964



Hope —if you listen to the news very often– you will find a constant search for hope.

Hope for a solution to the devastating explosion of radical Islam.

Hope for a stop to the deadly plague of Ebola that is ravaging parts of Africa.

Hope for an ailing economy.

Hope for the job market to improve and prosperity to return to certain segments of the population.

All of this hope is very fragile indeed.

The dictionary defines “Hope” as “to cherish a desire with expectation.”

Often we say “I hope so—” because contemplating the outcome any other way is too difficult to imagine.


Proverbs 13:12 states—“Hope deferred(withheld)  maketh the heart sick” —–We’ve all been there at one time or another and can attest to what a miserable state this is–the verse goes on to say-


-“but when the desire cometh it is a tree of life.”  It is good and nourishing.


I like this verse—“Turn ye to the stronghold (God) ye prisoners of HOPE—” I am a prisoner of hope:)

Here is our most solid and sure hope. We may never experience in this life the realization of our hopes and desires. In fact it may be the opposite. But those that have invited Jesus Christ into their heart and life have an ETERNAL hope.

This life with it’s cares and woes will soon pass but eternity will be forever.

“The pioneering radio preacher Donald Grey Barnhouse used to ask, “When you get to the pearly gates and God asks, ‘Why should I let you into heaven?’ What will you say?”

The song I want to share with you today is an answer to that question—:)

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My faith has found a resting place–

Not in device or creed:

I trust the Ever-Living One—

His wound for me shall plead.


Enough for me that Jesus saves—

This ends my fear an doubt;

A sinful soul I come to Him–

He’ll never cast me out.


My heart is leaning on the Word—

The written Word of God:

Salvation by my Savior’s name–

Salvation through His blood.


My great Physician heals the sick—

The lost He came to save;

For me His precious blood He shed–

For me His life He gave.


I need no other argument,

I need no other plea; (in the court room of heaven)

It is enough that Jesus died,

And that He died for me. (and you:) )

Lidie H. Edmunds  (nineteen century)


“God does not run heaven like a country club or a successful corporation. We cannot get in on our own qualifications. The door is barred to all who try to earn their entry.

But it swings wide for the simple saint who affirms in faith,” I need no other argument. I need no other plea; it is enough that Jesus died and that He died for me.” Great Songs of the Faith.

A paraphrase of Hebrews 3:12-14 says it this way–

“Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God.

You must warn each other every day, while it is still “today” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God.

For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.”





They took Jesus down from the cross and buried him in the tomb. The Sabbath began and I wonder—what was the Sabbath like for the disciples, and those that had followed Jesus?


The disciples had expected Jesus to set up His kingdom on earth, not die on the cross. Even though Jesus had tried patiently to explain to them what was going to take place; He failed to get through. How do we know? Because in John 20:9,10 after Peter and John see the empty tomb on the first day of the week they went away still not aware of Jesus promise to rise again from the dead.

This Sabbath must have been the most mournful and disconsolate Sabbath that the followers of Jesus had ever experienced. I can only imagine the tears and the heartbreak. The numbness of loss they must have experienced. The confusion in their hearts and minds as they tried to fathom how it could have gone so wrong. Only a week before all of Jerusalem was welcoming Jesus as the Messiah and now—it seemed all hope was gone–all dreams dashed—


Have you ever been in such a place in your life? Have you had a Sabbath of despair? Did you feel like all hope was gone. Perhaps you are there now wondering why God does not send the help that you anticipated. You wonder if the situation that you are in will ever get better. It may be for you your darkest hour just like it was for Jesus follower’s all those centuries ago on their Sabbath of discouragement.


But then the day passed, the darkness deepened. Night enveloped everything for a few hours and then—-the sun began to rise–and the ladies went to the tomb and discovered something very mysterious. Jesus body was gone from the tomb. Can you imagine the rush of excitement and questions that followed their announcement. Perhaps some caught a whiff of the Spirit of Hope moving across the landscape. As that day dawned, Jesus purpose would be revealed. All doubts and questions would be answered, as He appeared to them. He had not died like any other man. He had not left them alone forever. He had not deserted them. He had a plan. But the plan took time to fulfill. It was not the plan that they had thought He had come to fulfill it was a much greater and more far reaching plan that would include the salvation of all people. Now on the third day the glorious plan is revealed. He has fought death and won. He has risen from the grave and given the power of eternal to those who believe on Him.


And so in the times of darkness in our lives when we feel like the answer to our prayers will never arrive. When we feel as if God has deserted us. When our feeble hope is fading –God has a plan—we may not see it yet—but He has a plan for you and me and the Bible promises that His plans for us are good.  His answer to our prayers may not look like the answer we anticipated. His answer might even be a bit confusing at first but then as time passes it will become clear that He did answer our prayers–He did move on our behalf-=-He cares—He has not deserted us—And we find ourselves rejoicing just as they did on that first “Easter” morning.–Resurrection Day—when all the prayers of mankind before and after were answered in those words spoken by the angel–“He is not here but is risen” Luke24:6.


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                                                                               CHRIST AROSE



Low in the grave He lay——-Jesus my Savior!

Waiting the coming day——–Jesus my Lord!

Vainly they watch His bed———Jesus my Savior!

Vainly they seal the dead–Jesus my Lord!

Death cannot keep his prey—–Jesus my Savior!

He tore the bars away–Jesus my Lord!


Up from the grave He arose,

With a mighty triumpth oe’r His foes;

He arose the Victor from the dark domain,

And He lives forever with His saints to reign.

He arose!     He arose!  Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Robert Lowry


I’M sorry to have not finished the first post on the topic THERE IS A FOUNTAIN FILLED WITH BLOOD–I had some issues –again–with something when I was uploading a picture–so this is the hymn that I want to share with you today–


There is a fountain filled with blood

Drawn from Immanuel’s veins;

And sinners plunged beneath that flood,

Lose all their guilty stains—-

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the dying thief rejoiced to see

That fountain in his day;

And there may I, though vile as he,

Wash all my sins away—


Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood

Shall never lose its power,

Till all the ransomed church of God

Be saved, to sin no more—-


E’er since, by faith, I saw the stream

Thy flowing wounds supply,

Redeeming love has been my theme,

And shall be till I die:——-


Then in a nobler, sweeter song,

I’ll sing Thy power to save,

When this poor lisping, stammering tongue

Lies silent in the grave—-

William Cowper 1731-1800


If you have never asked Jesus to forgive your sins and enter your heart I urge you to do it today. He is waiting for you to make that next move and He will embrace you in His love forever.




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Today it seems like the powers of darkness are bearing down upon us. In America our Christian freedoms are being challenged and in other countries Christians are suffering severe persecution at the hands of the enemy.

There is an account in II Kings 6: 13-18 about Elisha and his servant. Elisha’s servant rose up early in the morning and to his horror he observed a host of warriors with horses and chariots surrounding the city. The servant cries out to Elisha,   “Alas my master! what shall we do?” All looked hopeless. But Elisha prayed that his servant’s eyes would be opened to see beyond the realm of the physical. What the young man saw must have truly amazed him. The mountain before him was full of horses and chariots of fire all around them. Next, those heavenly hosts don’t even have to do battle with the enemies forces; because Elisha prays and the  enemy armies are smitten with blindness so that they could not find their way to harm Elisha.

God protects Elisha. As believers our protection comes from the God of heaven.

As we watch the world’s stage before us  grow dark and rumble with the chariots of a coming war; Jesus promises He will return for His Church and Rapture her out. As the hands of a clock slowly move upon the hour our victory of Satan and his dark forces becomes more and more eminent.

The song I’d like to share with you today is “Hold the Fort.”

It was written by Phillip Paul Bliss who lived from 1838-1876. He grew up in a log cabin in Pennyslavania. He received no formal education but that of his mother who taught him the Scriptures. He loved music and when he heard a piano for the first time at the age of 10 he was inspired.

At 11 years of age he left home and worked at timber camps and sawmills. During this time he pursued his education whenever possible.

At age 18 he became the headmaster of a school in New York. During the summer months he worked on the farm. A year later he began to focus on music. He received some formal training and became an itinerant music teacher.

At the age of 31 he joined D.L. Moody in Chicago and became a missionary singer. Five years later he felt called to “win souls.”

Two years later he and his wife were traveling on a train that crashed into a ravine as the bridge collapsed. He survived the wreck but when the carriages caught fire he returned in an effort to free his wife. Neither of their bodies was ever found. Of the 160 passengers on the train 92 perished. Philip and his wife left behind two sons. One was four years old and the other just a year.

Phillip Bliss served for a short time in the Union army during the Civil War. He wrote the song “Hold the Fort” after hearing Major Daniel Webster Whittle narrate an experience in the American Civil war.

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Often in our Christian walk it will take firm DETERMINATION to stay the course. It is so easy to be distracted by the world’s attractions. We look around us and are enticed to follow another path than the one that Jesus would have us to tread.

The path of success and fame is enticing. The sparkling path to pleasure and enjoyment calls to us.  The Road of wrong attitudes of the world– that  we don’t need boundaries in our lives– just come and enjoy the fruits that materialism can afford us. Feast the eyes upon forbidden things. No one, who is human, will deny that sin has pleasure for a time. But the twisted pathway of sin will lead us to sure heartache and destruction.

Our effectiveness as believers depends on our COMMITMENT to our Lord and Savior.  The road to eternal riches is a road we must RESOLVE to put our feet upon every day. It is a constant upward climb but well worth the effort. Often our path will be intersected again and again by the other roads therefore we must RESOLVE–we must PURPOSE–not to be tempted off the course that Jesus has mapped for us.


In the King James Bible the word often used for resolved is “purpose.” David purposed in his heart to serve God. IN Acts 11:23b we find Barnabas encouraging the believers at Antioch–“that with PURPOSE they would cleave unto the Lord.”

The hymn I’d like to share with you today is “I AM RESOLVED”

It was written by Palmer Hartsough . He lived from 1844-1932. He anointing was music. We see that in his life as he begins as a music teacher and ends belonging to a music company. He also became an ordained Baptist minister along the way.

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I am resolved no longer to linger,

Charmed by the world’s delight;

Things that are higher,

Things that are nobler,

These have allured my sight.


I am resolved to go to the Savior,

Leaving my sin and strife;

He is the true One,

He is the just One,

He hath the Words of Life.


I am resolved to follow the Savior,

Faithful and true each day;

Heed what He sayeth,

Do what He willeth,

He is the living way.


I am resolved to enter the Kingdom,

Leaving the paths of sin;

Friends may oppose me,

Foes may beset me,

Still will I enter in.


I will hasten to Him, Hasten so glad and free;

Jesus, Greatest, Highest, I will come to Thee.

Palmer Hartsough                                                  James H. Gilmore




Tensions in the Middle East are escalating as Syria threatens the Golan Heights. The Israeli soldiers are again occupying bunkers that they have not occupied for 40 years since the 1973 conflict in the region. The Golan Heights has been a relatively peaceful part of Israel but this new threat is changing that. There is no doubt that God’s focus for the end times is going to be in the Middle East. That is why anything that happens there will affect the whole world eventually.

There has been much written lately about the blood moons (lunar eclipses) that will take place around the time of the Passover this year in April. Perhaps in some future posts I will go deeper into this and give you more info on it. But for now –we know that, without a doubt, the world is crisis. There is the Ukraine and now the disappearance of flight 370. No one knows for sure what any of this means on a global scale only time will tell. wpstormclouds

I’d like to share this hymn with you today–“How Lovely Shines the Morning star”

This hymn was written by Philipp Nicolai who was a pastor in Unna Germany. During this time a terrible plague hit his town. From his window that over looked the town cemetery he watched as dozens men, women, and children were laid to rest. As many as 30 in a day at times. What a gloomy sight that must have been. Every home in his town was in mourning.

It was a difficult time to be a pastor. What words of comfort could he give in the face of such a vicious foe? What hope could he give to those who were sick and dying? What Word from God could he communicate to his people that give the strength in the face of this grave enemy?

This is what he said–“There seemed to me nothing more sweet, delightful, and agreeable than the contemplation of the noble, sublime Doctrine of Eternal Life obtained through  the Blood of Christ. This allowed to dwell in my heart day and night.”

Even in the darkest of times, those of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior, can be encouraged by the thought that this life is not all there is. We have a whole eternity to look forward to. A bright and shining future. Because Jesus died and shed His blood for our sins and rose again the third day to give us eternal life. Praise God!thCAMTZA7I


How lovely shines the Morning Star!

The nations see and hail afar

The Light in Judah shining.

Thou David’s son of Jacob’s race,

My Bridegroom and my King of Grace,

For Thee my heart is pining.

Lowly, Holy, Great, and glorious,

Thou victorious Prince of Graces,

Filling all the heavenly places.


Now richly to my waiting heart,

O, Thou, my God, deign to impart

The grace of love undying.

In Thy blest body let me be,

Even as the branch is in the tree,

The life my life supplying.

Sighing, crying for the savor

Of Thy favor; resting never

Till I rest in Thee forever.


Thou Mighty Father, in Thy Son

Didst love me ere Thou hast begun

This ancient world’s foundation.

Thy Son hath made a friend of me,

And when in spirit Him I see,

I joy in tribulation.

What bliss is this! G=He that liveth

To me giveth life forever;

Nothing me from Him can sever.

                                 Philipp Nicolai  1556-1608


Thanks for taking the time to read this and God bless!