photo of roadway during dawn
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

Do you like bridges?

I don’t. Especially those big bridges that are high up in the air. I have had too many bad dreams about them to want to cross them any time soon.

However bridges are necessary to travel. Just go to a place that you can only reach by a ferry. Yes you can get across the water  to your destination. VERY SLOWLY. Like it or not, bridges are the way to go when one is traveling.

I often think of life as a journey. We are all on the road to somewhere. We stop and rest for the night and then we arise and begin again to step into a new day with new challenges. Day by day our story unfolds. Some of it glorious and much of it mundane. We are all travelers on the road of life. Like a real road the road of life, if it is to accomplish anything, will arrive at some bridges we must cross.

Have  you ever heard of that saying,”We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

Just imagine for a moment you are on a journey of several hundred miles. It is a beautiful summer day and the trip is going well. However you know that up ahead in a couple of days you will encounter the bridge of all bridges.

blue skies
Photo by Immortal shots on

Just thinking about that bridge sends chills up your spine.

So here you are on the first day of your journey and you know in two days you will arrive at that bridge and need to cross it. Do you spend the whole day worrying about it? Do you imagine all the things that can go wrong on that bridge as you are looking out at the beautiful scenery that you are passing by.?

I know what you are thinking—-“that would be such a waste of this one good day on which you do not have to deal with the bridge. Rather Enjoy the sights, eat at some great restaurants, spend a relaxing night at a hotel. Just enjoy—yes out there the bridge awaits but why not simply live for today. You can’t cross it today anyway.

Matthew 6:25-34 In this text in the Bible Jesus is encouraging His followers not to worry. To let tomorrow take care of itself, as it will. Because worrying about tomorrow is not only a waste of time but is robbing you of your peace and enjoyment today. Jesus has promised to take care of you and me so why not lean back and trust Him with tomorrow.

The Bible says that He goes before us so in your mind place Him patiently waiting for you on that “bridge.”

Lately in my life I am having this experience. There are some dates coming up on the calendar that hold uncertainty for my future. What occurs that day and the results thereof could change my life in ways I do not want.

But I feel like God has said to me,”Cross that bridge when you get there. I am already there and will guide you over safely. My plans for you are good.”

bridge child children fashion
Photo by on

God wants me to place my future in His capable hands and just do this day that I have now. Do the things at hand; praising and thanking Him for His goodness. The Bible says that God inhabits our praise. So why not praise rather than worry? Today I have the opportunity to pray for someone. Hand some needy soul a gospel tract. Encourage a friend. Pet my dog. Fix supper for my husband. Be thankful for God’s provisions and let Him worry about that particular date on the calendar. I have no real control of the outcome anyway.

I suppose that is what it is for most of us,we want to feel in control of our lives. Unfortunately life doesn’t work that way. Life is filled with detours, wrong turns, and bridges. But when we place our lives in His caring hands we don’t need to fear what is around the next bend. That feared bridge is only a “Texas Gate.”

gray bridge and trees
Photo by Martin Damboldt on

We may not get the outcome we hope for but it is what God has planned for us so it will still be the best.

This picture reminds me that God’s love is like a circle. A circle has no beginning and no ending. Trust His love. Even when you know the road up ahead looks scary from here. Enjoy the day and “Cross that bridge when you get there.”