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Often in our Christian walk it will take firm DETERMINATION to stay the course. It is so easy to be distracted by the world’s attractions. We look around us and are enticed to follow another path than the one that Jesus would have us to tread.

The path of success and fame is enticing. The sparkling path to pleasure and enjoyment calls to us.  The Road of wrong attitudes of the world– that  we don’t need boundaries in our lives– just come and enjoy the fruits that materialism can afford us. Feast the eyes upon forbidden things. No one, who is human, will deny that sin has pleasure for a time. But the twisted pathway of sin will lead us to sure heartache and destruction.

Our effectiveness as believers depends on our COMMITMENT to our Lord and Savior.  The road to eternal riches is a road we must RESOLVE to put our feet upon every day. It is a constant upward climb but well worth the effort. Often our path will be intersected again and again by the other roads therefore we must RESOLVE–we must PURPOSE–not to be tempted off the course that Jesus has mapped for us.


In the King James Bible the word often used for resolved is “purpose.” David purposed in his heart to serve God. IN Acts 11:23b we find Barnabas encouraging the believers at Antioch–“that with PURPOSE they would cleave unto the Lord.”

The hymn I’d like to share with you today is “I AM RESOLVED”

It was written by Palmer Hartsough . He lived from 1844-1932. He anointing was music. We see that in his life as he begins as a music teacher and ends belonging to a music company. He also became an ordained Baptist minister along the way.

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I am resolved no longer to linger,

Charmed by the world’s delight;

Things that are higher,

Things that are nobler,

These have allured my sight.


I am resolved to go to the Savior,

Leaving my sin and strife;

He is the true One,

He is the just One,

He hath the Words of Life.


I am resolved to follow the Savior,

Faithful and true each day;

Heed what He sayeth,

Do what He willeth,

He is the living way.


I am resolved to enter the Kingdom,

Leaving the paths of sin;

Friends may oppose me,

Foes may beset me,

Still will I enter in.


I will hasten to Him, Hasten so glad and free;

Jesus, Greatest, Highest, I will come to Thee.

Palmer Hartsough                                                  James H. Gilmore